
Here you will find the most important things to feel comfortable in the house and to get along.

  • First aid box and fire extinguisher
  • Special doors
  • The keys to the house
  • Leaving the house
  • Safe
  • Smoking
  • Fireplace and oven

First aid box and fire extinguisher

Just in case, we have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the house. Both are located behind the wooden door in the passage between the kitchen and living room. In case you need a plaster, a painkiller or a bandage, you can also look in the cupboard in the big bathroom, there is a medicine cabinet.

The nearest pharmacy is located up in the village. Besides medicines, they also advise quite well on minor injuries. The nearest hospital is in volterra. Ospedale Volterra Borgo S Lazzero, 5, 56048 Volterra

Special doors

There are two doors where the lock is unusual. They can be opened normally, but to lock them again requires a trick. The doors are the door of the basement room and the door in bedroom 1 (master bedroom).

In order to lock these doors with a key, you have to activate the lock when the door is closed by pulling the door handle upwards. After that the door can be locked with a key. This lock must be reactivated every time after opening.

Video instructions how to lock the door: Click here

The keys to the house

There are several house keys in the house. One house key, the one with the yellow dotted tag, always stays at the front door, either in the lock, or on the hook on the door to the left.

Since the front door can always be opened when it is not locked, it makes sense to lock it at night, or when you are alone in the house.

Leaving the house

Doors: When you leave the house, remember to lock all the doors and windows and to lock the front door. This is not easy with so many doors and windows, but it is important.

The shutters can always be left open. Only the the once on the doors in bedrooms 1 and 6 should be closed as well.

Water: Please check that water is not still running somewhere. Also outside.

Garbage: It is always best to take the garbage with you, and never leave it outside.

Fire: Make sure that there is no fire in the fireplace or wood stoves.


With the door open, press the reset button  (red button on the inside). The safe will emit two beeps. Choose a new password (3-8 digits), punch it on the keypad and press the # key to confirm. If the "open lock" icon turns on, the new password is successfully set. If the "!" icon flashes, the safe failed to set the new password. Repeat the steps above until you are successful. NOTE: Test the new password with the door open before locking the door.

Lock the safe by turning the handle to the left.

To open the safe: Enter the correct password. Press the # key after entering the password. Turn the handle to the right.

Automatic Lockout. The safe will enter a 30-second lockout if the wrong password is entered 3 consecutive times. After the 30-second lockout it will automatically unlock.

Video instructions how to use the safe: Click here

Smoking in the house is allowed in the livingroom where we have the fireplace and in the gameroom. Please refrain from smoking in the other rooms. When smoking outdoors, do not throw cigarette butts into nature. Always use ashtrays. On the one hand because of the fire hazard, and on the other hand because it is a lot of work to collect them again.

Fireplace and Oven

Since the house has no heating you may want to use the stove. Of course, you can also use the fireplace, but that's more for ambiance than for warmth, should it really get colder. The stoves, on the other hand, heat very well. In the living room there is the fireplace and a stove. Another stove is located in bedroom 1. From May to September it is unlikely that you will need the fireplace or the stoves for heat.

To use the fireplace, first remove the two bricks on the back wall, this is where the outside air comes from. In addition, the exhaust must be turned on, otherwise the smoke will not leave. To the right of the fireplace, at eye level, is the regulator. Switch it on. As a rule, level 2 is sufficient, but if there is smoke, you can also set a higher level.

The stoves both have outside air supply and can also run in continuous operation. In the living room, the stove has a horizontal regulator that controls the air supply. In bedroom 1, the stove has two sliders for primary air and secondary air.

Don't use the stoves or fireplace unless you know how to use them. Otherwise, let us give you a briefing. We will be happy to help. There are CO2 detectors in the rooms with stoves or fireplaces. Never leave fire in fireplace unattended. Do not leave the property when the stoves are in operation.